Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Recent Additions to

Aromatherapy and Hair Loss
Aromatherapy has been used for many centuries; dating way back to the Egyptians for different purposes relating to the human body, Aromatherapy uses the concentrated extracts from flowers...

Aging and Hair Loss
As you grow older, it is common to begin to notice several changes that occur within your body. One of the changes that both males and females may experience is hair loss. If you are noticing that your hair...

Alopecia Areata Hair Loss

Many people have determined that they have hair loss problems. However, there are many who have not been able to determine the possible reasons for the hair loss. If you are uncertain of the reason...

Monday, August 28, 2006

Book Review: How I Beat Hair Loss

How I Beat Hair Loss Without Rugs, Drugs or Plugs
By Sam Hurwitz | ISBN 0971190283

This book plays on peoples' thirst for the magic pill but is all about gaining the right attitude. If you are interested in discovering how you can come to accept the loss of your hair and live with the cool bald head look that so many people find sexy, then read this book.

If you are looking for a miracle cure to help re-grow your hair, this book is not for you. It is a personal account of how the author came to accept his hair loss and has no recipes in it for hair re-growth formula. The book simply shows you that it would be far cheaper for you in the long run to just accept what is happening and go look for the positive angle of your situation.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Recent additions to

The Latest Research on Male Pattern Baldness
Male pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss in men. Male hair loss is caused by increased sensitivity to androgens or male sex hormones in certain parts of scalp, and is mainly a genetic problem.

Hair Loss from Ringworm
Tinea capatis, or ringworm of the scalp, is a problem that some may experience. There are varieties of characteristics that are related to ringworm of the scalp, which will need to be defined before finding the proper treatment.

Using Sulfur for Hair Growth
If you are suffering from hair loss, you may already know there are several reasons for the loss. One reason may be hormone changes as well as nutritional changes..


Sunday, August 20, 2006

Hair Loss - Tip #1

Do NOT buy a hair loss ‘solution’ before you have determined what has caused the problem.

There are a number of possible causes for hair loss and a doctor is the best person to speak with to determine exactly which it is. As a general rule, ageing and a hereditary pre-disposition to early hair loss accounts for 95 % of all hair loss cases. If you have experienced severe stress, trauma or undergone medical treatments that could have caused your hair loss too, in which case the condition is in most cases only temporary. A final reason is that you could have developed an immune system disorder that has resulted in some or all of your hair falling out. The bad news is that treatments for one condition do not always work if you have another condition. The good news is that most types of hair loss can be treated with a successful outcome.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Recent Additions to

Check out the following posts:

FIT and Hair Surgery
For those that are considering hair surgery for hair loss, they may have also noticed that there are a variety of techniques that are available to...

Alopecia Areata
Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition where the immune system mistakenly fights the hair follicles from which hair grows. This usually...

How To Fool People
If you do still have hair left on your head, you can consider restyling it to help hide your hair loss. This can be effective especially for those...

Website Review: National Institute of Health

If you want to know what the medical establishment has to say about hair diseases and hair loss then this is the web page to start with. You can view a slideshow about a disease, read overviews, possible treatments, how to live with the diagnosis and much more explained and laid out in an easy to follow fashion.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Hair Replacement Surgery

Male pattern baldness is a genetic trait passed through the generations. If you suffer from male pattern baldness, it can make you feel uncomfortable in public. With the new inventions of cosmetic surgery, you can fight the genes that been given to you through hair replacement surgery. Hair replacement surgery will give you back your full head of hair, which will help you to look and feel better about yourself.

Hair replacement surgery is most often done after hair loss has stopped. Several methods are available for use, all which have been proven to be effective. The main technique is to take your own hair and use it to fill the bald areas. Over time, this hair will grow back into the head, creating a full head of hair. Scalp reduction is one method, in which hair is placed in the scalp area. Scalp flaps are also commonly used: incisions are made in the bald areas, and hair is placed in the incisions. Another procedure is plugs, including mini-plugs and micro plugs, depending on the hair being put into the balding area. These are only a few of the many different procedures used in hair replacement surgery.

Because the hair replacement procedure is extensive, it is a lengthy process--between one and three hours. Some techniques may require several procedures depending on the type of implant. In these cases, the hair will be slowly replaced over a certain period, allowing for a more natural growth.